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IDL driver Unit celebrated end of year 2025 party

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IDL driver Unit celebrated their end of year 2025 Party.


Happy new year greetings from Confam Bitters


Teezers is the master of fun, enjoy the nourishing taste of TEEZERS


Merry Christmas greetings from VELETA, may the blessings of this season reign upon your family.


Merry Christmas to you and your family from DeROK Quality Cafe Liqueur


CHELSEA Gray Control party is 29th December, 2024.


Safety and Environmental Unit end of year celebration 2024


I am Ngozi Ijeoma Mbonuike, i welcome you to Intercontinental Distillers Limited Fans Page. Keep celebrating Life and keep patronizing the first choice quality drinks that offer 100% satisfaction in every sip


I am Arise Timothy, you are welcome to Intercontinental Distillers Limited Fans Page. If you are looking for quality drinks, IDL drinks should come to your mind because all drinks produced by IDL are crafted by team of professionals. First choice quality drinks is what IDL offers.


Celebrate the season of Christmas with a bottle of VELETA fruit drink


Introducing a unique blend of variants:๐ŸŽŠ Get ready for a taste adventure as we introduce our unique blend of variants, adding an extra dash of fun to your favorite fun drink! ๐ŸŽ‰ In addition to our classic apple, lime, & lemon flavors, we're thrilled to welcome two newcomers to the family: the vibrant orange and the soothing non-alcoholic blend of lemon & ginger. With a fresh look on our bottles, your beloved drinks just got a stylish makeover! Which of these delightful variants will be your new favorite? Share your flavour journey with us! ๐Ÿ๐ŸŠ๐Ÿ‹ #NewVariantsOfTeezers #TeezersRelaunch #NewLook #TeezersNG #MastersOfFun

Wishing you a December filled with love, laughter, and endless blessings. May this month bring you closer to your dreams and fill your heart with boundless joy. Happy December 2023! ๐ŸŒŸโ„๏ธ #ConfamBitters

When you talk about Cocktail drink it's Teezers.., Catch fun on this beautiful day my people

You are the commander in charge of your domain.., Commanders are not scared of challenges but always determined to turn challenges into success.



No limits to possibilities for a Jinjad woman.., your future is brighter so keep moving forward to success, roket your way!!!

Nkwobi with excess pepper and a bottle of confam bitters to step it down. This confam combo hits all the right spots. #ConfamBitters #MrCapable #TrueBitters #ConfamCombo


Thank God is Friday

PHOTO OF THE DAY ๐Ÿ“ธ (Fresh!) #proudlyidl

Great IDL, Wonderful People #idlfanspage #photooftheday #VeletaNG

Curious to know what makes #BullDarkRum different? Perhaps a shot will do the trick.

Tag someone you'll like to share #BullDarkRum with and you might just be lucky. #BullDarkRum #BullDryGin #GiveItAShot

GIFT FAMILIES & FRIENDS WITH VELETA! Visiting friends and families empty handed without Veleta drink is not a good idea.., don't be that kind of Guy! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

PHOTO OF THE DAY ๐Ÿ“ธ (Fresh!) VELETA: happy birthday to celebrant. Great IDL, Wonderful People

Photo credited to: Alabi Rachael 

PHOTO OF THE DAY ๐Ÿ“ธ (Fresh!) VELETA : Great IDL, Wonderful People

#idlfanspage #photooftheday #VeletaNG  #proudlyidl Photo credited to: Irabor Joy Tosin

PHOTO OF THE DAY ๐Ÿ“ธ (Fresh!) Great IDL, Wonderful People

#idlfanspage #photooftheday #VeletaNG  #proudlyidl

PROUDLY SUPPORTED BY: VELETA: Coming up on 22nd December, 2023. Christmas Carol Night 9 lessons. Proudly supported by: Veleta Sparkling Fruit Drink

Coming up on 22nd December, 2023. Christmas Carol Night 9 lessons. Proudly supported by: Veleta Sparkling Fruit Drink

PHOTO OF THE DAY ๐Ÿ“ธ (Fresh!) Wedding ceremony of Mr & Mrs Emmanuel Uyobong.

Great IDL, Wonderful People #proudlyidl #VeletaNG  #photooftheday #weddingday

A Day of Joy with the Legendary Oga Bello and the Eagles' Squad!

Witness the power of prayer and unity as we share smiles and love around the city of Lagos!!! #sayaprayer #eagleschnapps #authenticprayerdrink #CommunityHappiness #OgaBello